

发布时间: 2024-05-08 11:10:04北京青年报社官方账号





Andrew Cainey, from the London-based think tank Chatham House who specializes in Asia-Pacific, the global economy, and finance, said: "Success in Belt and Road Initiative projects require each party to understand the others well and to be aware of cultural differences and norms of doing business.With their international business reach, British professional services companies are well-placed to advise on this. Britain also has world-leading businesses in marketing, PR, and communications that help project the efforts of different parties."


An offshoot of Vij’s — the wildly popular Vancouver, B.C.-based restaurant that dishes up masterpieces of Indian cuisine — plans to set up shop in Seattle’s South Lake Union neighborhood this November. The Vancouver Sun reports that the new restaurant will be called Shanik after the daughter of Meeru Dhalwala who has overseen the kitchens at Vij’s and Rangoli restaurants for 15 years.?She also happens to be married to Vikram Vij, the namesake of the well-regarded restaurant.


Analysts say the reason for the decline reflects a tightening of restrictions by the central government on outbound investment to prevent big conglomerates overextending themselves.


And just last week, Amazon inked a deal with the Seattle Seahawks to provide the company’s hometown team with cloud, machine learning, and artificial intelligence services. The tech will help the Seahawks better track player performance in both games and practice and build predictive models for how to defend quarterbacks and other crucial parts of the game.


And as more and more companies like Sabre embrace containers and microservices as part of their new application-development strategies, their applications become inherently more portable than applications built in less-flexible ways atop cloud infrastructure. AWS was a little slower than its counterparts to embrace the Cloud Native Computing Foundation and Kubernetes, but it eventually got the memo and in AWS Fargate now offers one of the more interesting container-management services on the market.


